2006 – Recipient

The fourth recipient of the annual DAVID CHARLES ABRAMSON MEMORIAL FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR SAFETY AWARD for the year 2006 was:


He leads by example, a strong advocate for promoting and advancing Canadian aviation safety. An accomplished aviator, he is a member of the Canadian Precision Flying Association, winning a Silver Medal at the National Championship 1999 and a Bronze Medal in 2000, also competing in the World Championships the same year in Sweden. Simon is Operations Manager & Chief Flight Instructor at the Rockcliffe Flying Club and also Airport Manager for the Ottawa/Rockcliffe Airport – home of the Canada Aviation Museum.

Jane & Rikki Abramson (left & right, respectively) accompanied by Wayne Gouveia, VP Commercial General Aviation, ATAC (centre left) present the fourth annual DCAM Flight Instructor Safety Award to Simon Garrett (centre right) at ATAC’S AGM & Convention in Victoria, BC.